Managing the Inner Rhino

Every Rhino has been told, often, to Behave Yourself. We understand the concept; here is an uncompromising Standard of Conduct, and We’d like you to measure up to it. Now.

Perhaps with time and luck, this sort of adjustment is possible, but We find that the challenge is Behaving our many Selves. No single Self is ever all We must confront. One self might be controlled, but with clusters, it’s like a jamboree inside Us.

At least, that is how it is for Rhinos, which is what We are here to report on.

looking into the seeds of time

It isn’t just Rhinos who want to know what’s happening, or about to happen. It’s tempting to investigate Developments, especially armed with Special Equipment.

Mr. Elijah J. Bond patented the Ouija Board in 1891, and sales were brisk. In theory, you push the pointer around, then discover stuff. All are whelmed by the revelations.

The Staff at ‘Your Inner Rhino’ find Ouija as good a tool as any for figuring out what on earth We are doing ourselves with the day’s posting. Talk about Unforeseen Revelations! Oh Boy.

The R System

The Rhino approach to Time is both more and less specific than our Readers’. We don’t care much about time where it affects our schedule or commitments; We don’t have many.

What We do pay special care to is all the information We get from the Earth itself, under our feet, and from plants and other critters in our midst. Plants are very sensitive to times of day and weather. We just get updates from them. And Naturally, every phase of the day, or night, comes with its characteristic scents and lighting effects. Totally Informative.

We know just what Time it is; Trust Us on that.

Freedom & Unity

Today, back in 1791, Vermont joined the Union. It’s called the Green Mountain State for the ridge of mountains running the length of the state.

Rhinos have lived for 50 million years, and We were in North America when the Ice Age glaciers came 2 million years ago, paring down the Green Mountains. The ice started to depart only 20 thousand years ago, leaving things the way they are today, mostly. Still impressive.

This is an unusual picture, being bi-Seasonal: Summer&Winter. YIR, awash with Pioneer Spirit.

Staff Meetings

On Reader Request, We wanted to give you a good idea of what the assembled staff would look like, if they were all available at the same time. Which they are not. It has many of the qualities of a Love In, or possibly, a Rugby Scrum. A great many opinions, expressed with Vigor.

‘Your Inner Rhino’ central office juggles Input from all quarters of the World, for our Readership’s illumination, in an effort to help you discover and rejoice in Your Inner Rhino.

Contributory Thoughts are always Welcome.

A Wee Reminder

Here at ‘Your Inner Rhino’ We often get questions about our wardrobes. How many outfits do we have, and how big is that closet? We, the Staff, smirk and roll our eyes. We giggle.

That is because all Rhino Outfits are imaginary. We don’t own anything, including clothing. Where would We put it in the Wild?

However, our Imaginations are crazed, allowing Us access to just about anything We can think of, costumes included. And, they all fit on one hanger!